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Video Conferencing

Guides to Google Meet, Canvas Conferences, and BlueJeans for video conferencing.

Recording a BlueJeans Meeting

Start and Stop Recording

Within a meeting, in the top left-hand corner, there is an option to start and stop recording. Simply click it to begin recording and click it again to stop the recording.

Start Recording button

You also can choose to enable auto-recording (this option is under "advanced options" if you are creating a meeting from within a bluejeans account rather than from within Canvas).

Enable Auto-Recording Button



Access Recordings

If you scheduled your meeting from within Canvas, the link to watch or download the recording will automatically be made accessible to you and your students under the "Recorded BlueJeans Meetings" portion of the Canvas Bluejeans tab after the recording has been fully processed.

Recordings screen


If you scheduled your meeting through a Bluejeans Account at, log into your account there and look for the Recordings option at the top of the screen.


Recordings screen


Distribute Recordings Saved Within Your BlueJeans Account

For each recording in your account, you have the option to share via a unique URL or download the video. You can embed the URL within Canvas or upload the downloaded video to Canvas Studio.