This page provides a list of resources available to find information on both federal and state legislation related to education. If you have any questions about accessing law-related information, please contact a librarian.
Sometimes the information you need is in a print book that is available through the NNU Library. Rather than requesting the book be checked out and sent to you, you can request to have the chapter or section scanned and emailed to you. To access the contents of the print books listed in this guide, click on the item title. If you find information you need, use this form to request having it scanned and emailed to you.
EBSCO, ProQuest, and Google Scholar are great sources for locating reviews, commentary, and application of legislation related to Education. Law reviews include analysis and commentary regarding legislation from legal experts; scholarly (i.e., Peabody Journal of Education) and trade publications (i.e., American School Board Journal, Phi Delta Kappan) provide commentary and application of legislation from the perspective of educators. You can also search Google Scholar by case or law name.
It is wise to search all three article search engines as each includes different resources. When you use Google Scholar make sure to set up your Google Scholar profile to recognize full text items through NNU Library.