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Theology & Christian Ministries

A guide for finding biblical studies and Christianity-related resources and information

Textbooks & Supplemental Texts by Course Code -- BIBL- PHIL SP25

The NNU librarians periodically review the bookstore listing of textbooks for courses. In some cases, copies of these texts will be acquired for the NNU Library in either print or Ebook format. Sometimes, it will acquire both formats. If you don't see your course text listed, the library does not have the title. In some cases, the library may not have the same edition as the one listed by the bookstore.

Unless stated otherwise, print books on the textbook lists will be in the Course Texts section. They are for library use only.

Textbooks & Supplemental Texts by Course Code -- PRTH SP25

The NNU librarians periodically review the bookstore listing of textbooks for courses. In some cases, copies of these texts will be acquired for the NNU Library in either print or Ebook format. Sometimes, it will acquire both formats. If you don't see your course text listed, the library does not have the title. In some cases, the library may not have the same edition as the one listed by the bookstore.

Unless stated otherwise, print books on the textbook lists will be in the Course Texts section. They are for library use only.

Textbooks & Supplemental Texts by Course Code -- THEO SP25

The NNU librarians periodically review the bookstore listing of textbooks for courses. In some cases, copies of these texts will be acquired for the NNU Library in either print or Ebook format. Sometimes, it will acquire both formats. If you don't see your course text listed, the library does not have the title. In some cases, the library may not have the same edition as the one listed by the bookstore.

Unless stated otherwise, print books on the textbook lists will be in the Course Texts section. They are for library use only.