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The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary by Paul J. AchtemeierThe HarperCollins Bible Dictionary puts the latest and most comprehensive biblical scholarship at your fingertips. Here is everything you need to know to fully understand the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament. An unparalleled resource, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary explains every aspect of the Bible, including biblical archaeology, culture, related writings such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible‘s influence on Western civilization, biblical history, theological concepts, modern biblical interpretations, flora nad fauna, climate and environment, crafts and industry, the content of individual books of the bible, and more. The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary features: " Contributions by 193 noted experts on the Bible and the ancient Near East " More than 3700 entries covering the Bible from A to Z " Outlines for each book of the Bible " 590 black–and–white photographs " 53 color photographs " An updated pronunciation guide " 72 black–and–white maps " 18 color maps " Dozens of drawings, diagrams, and tables
Call Number: Reference BS440 .H235 1996
ISBN: 9780060600372
Publication Date: 1996-09-27
The Anchor Bible Dictionary by David Noel Freedman; Anchor Bible StaffSix years in the making, this state-of-the-art dictionary offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects and scholarship. An essential reference for every serious reader of the Bible. B & W illustrations and line-art throughout.
Call Number: Reference BS440.A54 1992
ISBN: 9780385193511
Publication Date: 1998-12-01
Zondervan Handbook to Bible by David Alexander; Pat AlexanderThrough hundreds of color photographs and maps, this reference provides a visual as well as textual introduction to and reading guide for the Bible. The first section introduces readers to various ways to approach the Bible and reviews the setting and history of the Bible and the people it depicts.
Call Number: Reference BS417 .Z66 1999
ISBN: 9780310230953
Publication Date: 1999-10-12
Ancient Christian Commentary -- New Testament
Call Number: Reference BS2341.2 .A53; Main Collection BS2575.3 .O34