Welcome to the Nursing research guide! It's often hard to know where and how to get started in the research process, or the process of searching for literature. This guide will provide a variety of starting points for you as you move through the process. Remember, it's a process! You can always feel free to contact Dr. Birch (Library liaison to the Nursing programs) or either of the other two librarians if you get stuck along the way.
Health Policy for Health Care Professionals
Man-Up: A Practical Guide for Men in Nursing
The NNU Library has copies of the Scopes and Standards" series for various nursing specialties. These copies may be found in both the Main Collection (2nd floor) and the Reference Collection (main floor) of the Learning Commons. You may find excerpts online, but the full version will be available in print. Items in the print collection of the library (both main and reference) will have a call number beginning with R (e.g., RT85.5.A43). If it's in Reference, the call number will be preceded by "Ref." If you need assistance locating an item you may ask for assistance from someone in the Research/Writing Help Office (Room 133, near the Reference Collection), or the Learning Commons Service Desk.
Advanced Registered Nursing Scope of Practice
Call for Action: Nurses Lead and Transform Palliative Care (2017)