Not enough search results, try broadening your search:
Example: Prayer OR Healing (searches for either term)
Prayer OR Heal* (captures any form of the word, "heal, healing, heals, healed")
Too many results, try narrowing your search:
Example: Prayer AND Healing
(Prayer AND heal*) AND Christ* (captures any form Christian, Christianity, etc.)
Also, consider specific terms for topics:
Example: Education (use terms like: instruction, pedagogy, teachers, students, lessons, college, elementary, etc.)
Religion (use terms like: Bible, theology, Christianity, Islam, "sacred practices", clergy, pastor, minister, etc.)
Business (use terms like: leadership, economics, entrepreneurship, etc.)
Computer Science/Engineering (use terms like: "artificial intelligence," "programming language," robotics, etc.)
Using Google Scholar will limit your search of the web to scholarly materials and help you to avoid commercial and unreliable sources.
Google Scholar and Riley Library unite!
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