Though we have many ebook vendors, the easiest way to find all the books in one place is by using the library catalog on the library's home page. See the Finding ebooks box for more information. However, the following vendors can be searched separately. They are also listed in Databases A-Z.
There are two ways to access the library's ebooks. Just remember that our ebooks are provided by a few different companies, so the look and functionality may be different.
Once on the result page, there are two ways to open an ebook:
Choose Ebook Central to search just the Ebook Central collection of books directly. Other ebook collections are also listed there if you'd like to search them directly: Credo (reference books), Oxford Reference & Oxford Scholarship, and EBSCO ebooks (hint: choose your subject from the "Browse by Category" list).
Hint: If you are using a device with a smaller screen, you may need to click on the "hamburger" menu (the "three lines") to get to Databases A-Z.